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CIL and s106 Calculator

Build Local has developed a tool to calculate the baseline financial and non-financial contributions that would be required from any proposed major development. 
For CIL, as well as the Mayor’s CIL contribution, plus each of the heads of term of an LPA’s s106 requirements, a financial contribution will be calculated as well as the non-financial obligations.

How does the planning tool work?

By entering the data that would be needed for a planning application, such as build cost, site size, housing units, commercial uses and floor space, obligations are automatically calculated based on policy.  It also estimates the size of units required for each borough, numbers of new residents as well as staff densities in commercial developments based on the data used by the GLA and LPAs.

The calculator is a useful tool for accurate and LPA-specific planning costs, and gives both the planning applicant and LPA a good starting point for pre-application negotiations. 
The calculator is available for Enfield, Haringey, Barnet and Waltham Forest, plus Lambeth.
Click here to download our new planning tool
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