We Design and Deliver Social Value in Business, Employment & Skills

Welcome to Build Local  

Supporting developers, Local Planning Authorities and local providers meet Economic Development needs

Each neighbourhood is unique.  It needs local intelligence and working with local providers.  This is a piece of work in itself.  Build Local works with developers, Local Planning Authorities and local providers to make informed decisions on major development bids and planning applications to meet the economic development policy objectives set out by Local Authorities.  By sharing experience in understanding what works well, where, we can create lasting legacies in our neighbourhoods.

Our Philosophy

Do good or go home!  Thousands of new homes will be built in London over the next ten years.  To obtain “Good Growth”, social value must be part of this. Build Local looks at ways of unlocking the potential of social value in projects to include people and businesses in the economic development of their neighbourhoods. We support developers that want to make this difference by understanding how planning authorities measure social value and planning obligations and how to work with local providers to create and deliver Business, Employment and Skills plans that make a difference to the community. 


We help you to make places with thriving communities. That is both our goal, and our vision, so we make every effort to understand the needs of Local Planning Authorities, residents and business.



We design Business, Employment and Skills Delivery plans that are effective because they are bespoke to the needs of a neighbourhood, and efficient because they include and involve providers who want to work with employers.



The only rounded corners you'll find at Build Local are the ones you want rounded. We take accuracy very seriously.


Your opinion and satisfaction matter throughout the process. From the very first plan, to the last. 

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